
How Can We Help You?

The world can seem like a big, scary place for children, troubled teens, abused women, and homeless individuals. A safer, more protective home begins with one person, in one home.I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. So, Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Dear Friends, There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life, If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one. Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.


Criminal Law

Criminal law aims to deter and punish conduct which is perceived as threatening, 


Employment Law

an area of legal practice that relates to everything that we do in the world of work


Accidental Claims

Accidents Act, 1885 to provide rights to the person wounded or deceased in an accident.


Tort Law

claim damages against the person who has committed the wrong.


Family Law

Not everything going right in Family? We are here to help you!


Human Rights Law

Human Rights Law exists to help protect our rights as human beings.


Insolvency Law

Insolvency is the state of being unable to pay the debts, by a person or company at maturity


Environment Law

climate change or pollution, this might be the area of law for you.


White Coller Crime

white collar crimes are increasing risks associated with running ever-complicated businesses


Public Sector and local Govt.

Economic, social and environmental disruption is driving unprecedented change throughout the world.

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Criminal Law

Criminal law aims to deter and punish conduct that is perceived as threatening, harmful, or endangering to the public, its property, or moral welfare. When government leaders take steps to ban certain actions relating to the above, they create crime legislation. Such legislation forbids behavior including murder, sexual assault, property damage, theft and motor offenses. It also includes international relations and extradition, money laundering, and terrorism. This is a core area of legal practice of Mr. Chiranjeev Chauhan.



Employment Law

During his career as a young lawyer at the Bar Mr. Chiranjeev Chauhan was involved in a No. of highlighted employment Law cases as a Lawyer including Delhi Transport Corporation driver’s termination from service cases.

Employment law is an area of legal practice that relates to everything that we do in the world of work. It spans a vast array of topics from employees and their rights, an employer’s rights, duties and obligations and more. 


Road Accidental Claims

With the evolution of civilization of human beings, the actions of negligence have become an actionable error. In English law, any individual or legal associate of the deceased who has passed away because of the negligent action of others may recoup damages under tortious law in addition to initiating criminal proceedings. Consequently,  the carrying on of negligence by losses to the other individuals paving the way for institution of action.


Tort Law

A tort occurs when someone commits a wrong against another person. Tort law allows individuals who have had a wrong committed against them to claim damages against the person who has committed the wrong. It encompasses a vast amount of different types of legal issues.


Family Law

This an popular and exciting area of the law but can see some emotional aspects when it comes to divorce and other disputes. Family Law focuses on finding solutions to issues relating to often complex legal relationships. These include marriage and parenthood among others.


Human Rights Law

Mr. Chiranjeev Chauhan is a man of many hats. His unique approach is to create a specialist mechanism for handling regular human rights violation cases in a time bound manner for faster dispute resolution, obviating procedural delays in the litigation. His work got him nominated as a legal representative of Human Rights.


Insolvency Law

Banking and Insolvency law focuses on the contractual relationship between lenders and borrowers. In all financial transactions, the main aim is to negotiate and manage this relationship to ensure the represented party’s interests are met both legally and commercially.


Environment Law

Arguably one of the most topical practice areas of law at the moment, environmental law allows us to continuously analyse the relationship between people and the environment. So if you have a real passion for fighting against climate change or pollution, this might be the area of law for you.


White Coller Crime

Advancement in commerce and technology has invited unprecedented growth in one of the types of white collar crimes, known as cybercrime. Cybercrimes are increasing because there is only a little risk of being caught or apprehended. India’s rank on Transparency International’s corruption perception index (CPI) has improved over the years.


Public Sector and local Government Law

Economic, social and environmental disruption is driving unprecedented change throughout the world. This is creating big challenges for governments at local, regional and national levels, but we are also seeing opportunities emerge for nations and their arms of government to meet these challenges. However, in either case you may need experienced legal support in this ever-changing sector.
